Violet Connect is an onboarding tool that you can use to securely and safely onboard merchants onto your marketplace experience with ease. The tool acts as a bridge between a merchants store and Violet so that you can have them sync their catalog, connect payout accounts and set up commission rates; all without any additional work on your end. Once a merchant goes through Violet Connect, you’re automatically able to access their catalog and perform Checkout.

Violet provides you with the option to fully customize the onboarding experience for your merchants so that they are only interacting with your brand label. Your Violet Connect page will customized with the following:

  • A unique URL path of your choice
  • The name of your application
  • A description of your experience
  • Your logo or icon

By default, Violet automatically shows every e-commerce platform we have integrations with on your Violet Connect dashboard, however, you can contact us to have a predefined list of supported platforms you want to show your merchants. Once completed, Violet redirects your merchants to a redirect URL that you have configured, along with any additional data you may need from our end about the merchant, such as the Violet specific merchant Id.

See the Setup page for required configurations to enable Violet Connect for your channel.

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