If you are having issues using our APIs or our Products and you have already searched through these docs for a solution, please feel free to contact us at support@violet.io.

What to Include in a Support Request

In order to expedite a resolution to your support request, we ask that you include as much detail as possible when reporting the issue. Important items to include:

  • Logs - URL, Request and Response from the Violet API
  • IDs - The ID of any entity related to the issue
  • Timestamps - Including Timezones, as specific as possible
  • UI related - Login Email and Recordings or Screenshots

See below for details on each item. Note that depending on the issue you are having not all of these will apply.


Violet is first and foremost an API company, so when reporting unexpected or incorrect behavior from our API, we need the raw request and response logs for what you sent to Violet and what you got back. This will help us isolate issues and behavior to our system, helping us narrow down what is wrong more quickly.

We will not be able to help you directly troubleshoot issues in your user experience without the associated request logs.

Please include the request URL and body (for POST or PUT requests) as well as response code and body.

Make sure you do NOT include your App Secret or Token as these values are sensitive.

Additionally, for the privacy of your shoppers, please redact any PII that is not directly related to the reported issue.

Many request libraries include a default request/response logger that you can enable to write to your logging solution. This can be an easy top level way to enable request logging for your interactions with Violet.


All objects in Violet have in ID. When reporting an issue around a specific merchant, offer, order, cart, etc. we will always need the IDs involved. Please include any and all relevant IDs for the issue you are experiencing as we will not be able to look into the issue without them.

Timestamps (with Timezone!)

When reporting an issue, it is very helpful to narrow down the search for what happened based on when it happened. Please be as precise as possible. If the issue is reproducible, it’s helpful to reproduce it and note down exact times. If not, any timeframe you do have is helpful.

Dashboard Specific

If you are reporting an issue around our dashboards or other UIs, there are few specific items that we ask you to include in addition to the above mentioned IDs and timestamps.


Specify what email you were logged in under when you encountered the issue.


Screen recordings or screenshots are often invaluable in resolving an issue.

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