To ensure your merchants get paid for orders placed through Violet, they’ll need to connect a bank account to your Stripe Platform account. Violet leverages Stripe Connect to provide a seamless onboarding process for merchants. They can either create a Stripe Connect Express account specifically for handling transactions through your sales channel on Violet or link their existing Stripe Standard account via OAuth.

Learn more about Stripe Connect account types, here

Setting up a Merchant Payout Account

During Violet Connect onboarding, merchants will have the option to create a payout account. If they decide not to set it up right away, they can always go to the Merchant Dashboard later to configure their payout account—provided that an initial connection to your application has already been established.

Prior to merchants being able to set up payouts, your existing Stripe platform account must be onboarded to Violet for payment and payout orchestration. Learn more about this process here.

Creating a new Stripe Express account

If merchants do not have a Stripe account—or prefer not to connect an existing one—they can create a new Stripe Express account. To do this:


Choose “I don’t have a Stripe account.”

This indicates that they want to create a brand-new account instead of linking an existing one.


Select a Country

Enter the country associated with their bank account (which may differ from the country where their merchant store is located).


Complete KYC Requirements

They’ll be redirected to Stripe to submit the necessary identity verification details. Afterward, they’ll automatically return to Violet Connect.


Check Account Status

Violet displays indicators to show whether the new Express account has been successfully enabled. Merchants can use these indicators to confirm that payouts are ready.

If a merchant cannot find their bank’s country in the list of supported countries or if they encounter cross-border restrictions on your Stripe Platform account, Violet will not be able to support payouts for them. In these scenarios, consider using an EXTERNAL or CUSTOM Transfers flow instead.

Connect a Stripe Standard account

Merchants that select the option to connect their current Stripe account will be redirected to Stripe to select which account they would like to connect with your platform.


Log in to Stripe”

Merchants should confirm they’re using the correct Stripe credentials for the account they want to connect.


Select the Desired Account

Stripe may list multiple accounts if the merchant has more than one. They should choose the one intended for your platform.


Optional: Create a New Stripe Standard Account

If they want a dedicated Standard account solely for your sales channel, they can create one at this step instead.


Return to Violet

After finalizing the connection in Stripe, merchants will be returned to Violet Connect with a confirmation showing that the account has been successfully linked.

That’s it! Once the payout account is configured—whether Express or Standard—merchants are ready to receive payouts through Violet.