A Violet Application is a unique entity with assigned credentials and tools to invoke our APIs and build your new system. You can create as many applications as you want in your Channel account. The important part is, the application is what Merchants will interact with.
Creating an App
Sign up at or login at
Click ‘Create App’
Name your application (don’t worry, you can change this later as many times as you’d like).
Save your App ID and App Secret, your will need them for API authentication.
That’s it!
Your application has been created. We recommend heading over to Postman to login and experiment with the APIs with your new credentials, or you can use the API Reference, or these docs. Whatever you prefer.
To skip straight to a quick walkthrough on using our Checkout APIs, go to our quickstart guide in the Get Started section.
Managing your App
Apps can be managed from the Channel Dashbaord availble at
Renaming Your App
You are free to rename your app(s) as often as you like. From the App list in your Violet dashboard click on the app you would like to rename. From the app details screen click on the small toggle in the upper left corner of the app card to open your app controls. Clicking the ‘Edit Name’ button will render the name update field. Enter the desired name and click the arrow to persist the change.
Changes to your app name will propagate immediately. If the updated name is not recognizable to the merchants who have enabled your app it is possible that they may uninstall it. Be sure to notify any merchants of any upcoming name changes to prevent this.
Rotating Your App Keys
In the event that your app keys have been compromised in any way it is recommended that you rotate your app keys. This action will generate a new App Secret and immedietly disable your previous App Secret.
Key rotation can be initiated using the following endpoint:
POST /apps/{app_id}/rotate_keys
Sample Request
curl -X POST{app_id}/rotate_keys \
-H "X-Violet-App-Id: your-app-id-here" \
-H "X-Violet-App-Secret: your-current-app-secret-here" \
-H "Content-type: application/json"
Sample Response
"id": 9999,
"developer_id": 9999,
"app_secret": "new-app-secret-here",
"app_public": "new-app-public-here",
"name": "Your App Name",
"api_version": "v1",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"type": "APP",
"date_created": "2020-07-16T21:25:26+0000",
"date_last_modified": "2023-07-24T18:05:13+0000"
You must perform this action for each environment where you want your keys rotated. Rotating them in Sandbox or Production will not automatically rotate them in the other environment.
Deleting Your App
From the App list in your Violet dashboard click on the app you would like to delete. From the app details screen click on the small toggle in the upper left corner of the app card to open your app controls. Clicking the ‘Delete’ button will ask you to confirm that you wish to delete your app. Clicking ‘Yes’ will permanently delete your app. Clicking ‘No’ will close the controls and return you to the app details screen.
App deletions are permanent. Once your app is deleted your API keys will immediately stop working. You will loose access to all data related to the app including access to historical order data. Be sure you truly want to delete your app before deleting.
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