If you are a channel testing the merchant dashboard in sandbox, go to https://merchant.violet.dev Click here for more information

The Violet Merchant Dashboard lets your merchants review the state of their connection to Violet Channels, view Orders placed through the system, and configure their payments.

Sign In

Merchants onboard through Violet Connect, which is an onboarding process tailored to your Channel. Once the onboarding process is complete, they can sign into the Merchant Dashboard for an Overview of the orders placed through their integration with Violet; change their commission rates; or update payout accounts.

Enter the same email address used during Violet Connect onboarding.

If the merchant signs in and sees a screen saying “No Store Connected”, that means they have not used the email that is tied to their merchant account. Please make sure they are using the same email they signed up with originally in Violet Connect.

There are three main sections to the Merchant Dashboard:

  1. Overview (Home)
  2. Bags
  3. Offers


The Overview page is where they can see see information about their connected store, all the Channels they are connected to, and control their commission rates.

Offers (Publishing)

The Offers page is where they can see all the products that they have synced into Violet. Here they can Publish or Unpublish offers to sell through your Channel.

Unpublishing an offer makes it inaccessible to any connected channel. An offer that is ‘published’ simply means that it is accessible to a Channel.

Violet maps statuses from their e-commerce platform and honors configurations that set a product to disabled, not for sale, out of stock, hidden, archived, etc. Just because a offer is published does not mean that a channel will be able to purchase that offer.


The Bags dashboard is where they can see all orders that have been placed through their integrations with Violet, including the state that they are in.

Account Settings

To access and modify account settings, they can click on “Violet User” in the bottom left corner and click Settings.

Here they can navigate to Payments and click on “Go to Stripe” to access their Stripe Connect Payouts dashboard. This lets them configure information including KYC, connected payout accounts, or payout schedules.

On the Stripe dashboard, they can click on the transactions tab to see payments from Violet as well Stripe Payouts to their bank account. They can filter by date and export the data to CSV.

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