Get Offers for a Merchant
Get Offers for a Merchant by Merchant Id
Note: For more details on this endpoint and the other possible filter options it can take, please refer to the API Reference
When retrieving Offers, if you provide the base_currency
query parameter the currency in the Offer object will match what was passed in and all prices will reflect that currency. The default currency when no parameter is provided is USD
Violet strongly discourages scraping this endpoint. Most offers do not change very often, so re-scraping all of a merchants offers on a regular basis is a very costly way to keep your catalog up to date.
Violet’s recommendation is to make use of offer webhooks to be notified when offers are added/updated in Violet’s system. This works because when your merchants onboard, their products are pulled into Violet’s system and so you will receive a webhook for each of the new merchant’s offers. Additionally, Violet employs a number of methods to keep our merchant’s catalogs up to date and all of those methods will generate webhooks sent to your system.
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
A date represented in epoch milliseconds ( Gets offers last modified after the given date.
Comma-separated list of extra data to be included.
, collections
, shipping
The actual content of the response; A list of the result objects
Boolean indicating if this is the last page
The total count of pages available
The total count of objects available
Boolean indicating if this is the first page of the response
The total number of objects in this specific response
The page size selected at request time
The page number selected at request time
Boolean indicating if the response content is empty
Contains the cursor for the next page. This property will only be used for situations where the API does not support the page number/page size paradigm and it will mutually exclusive with the size/number fields in the response. If this property is returned it must be passed when requesting the next page from the API. Does not apply to endpoints that do not have a next_page_cursor query param documented.
Violet wrapper for springframework pageable
Violet Wrapper for springframework sort
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