Get Details about a SKU
Get details about a SKU given SKU ID
Note: For more details on this endpoint and the other possible filter options it can take, please refer to the API Reference
Path Parameters
Query Parameters
Stock Keeping Unit
ID of the parent Offer that this Sku is a child of.
ID of the Merchant that originated the Sku.
Name of the Sku. This often a combination of the Offer name and the Variant Values unique to this Sku.
Sale Price of the Sku. This is the actual sale cost when the Sku is purchased.
The base currency of this Sku.
The unique ID of the Sku.
The ID of the Sku in the merchants external store.
Amazon Standard Identification Number
Global Trade Item Number
Universal Product Code
European Article Number
International Standard Book Number
Is the Sku in stock in the merchants external store.
The total quantity of this Sku available for purchase.
Is the Sku's inventory tracked in the merchants system. Untracked inventory can be oversold even when the available quantity is 0.
Retail Price of the Sku. This is often a "Compare-To" or "MSRP" type price and is typically not what the customer will be charged.
The presented currency of this Sku.
Is the Sku taxable.
Type of Tax on this Sku.
Sku Albums
Product Image Container
Variant Values that apply to this SKU
Individual Variation Value for a Sku
SKU Status
Date when the Sku was first created in Violet.
Date when the Sku was last updated in Violet.
Individual Sku Dimensions
Individual Sku Dimensions
The order that the merchant has chosen to display this Sku in relation to other Sku's that are children of the same Offer.
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