Postman + Login
This section takes you through using Postman to test the Violet APIs. Make sure you have already signed up at and created an application in the step prior. If you haven’t, please go through Create a Violet Application
The Violet Postman Collection is available here: Violet Postman Collection
If you would like to fork the collection into your Postman workspace, you can do so here: Fork Violet Postman Collection
You will need your App ID and App Secret in order to complete this step.
Initial Postman Setup
The Violet Postman Collection uses Collection Variables to store your App Id and App Secret and pass them in to all requests across the collection. Follow this guide to find where to set these values in our Collection.
You can ignore the other values in the variable list, these are used by the scripts and populated automatically based on the result of the previous request. (If you are curious how that works, check out the test tab on some of the requests, they will have a green dot if there is info there.)
This API tests your connection to Violet by logging into your Application. Add X-Violet-App-Id
and X-Violet-App-Secret
added to your headers for login. These are available from the application you created on Every request after login will require these header params for authentication, along with the X-Violet-Token
that you get from login and refreshing your token.
While your username and password will be the same across environments (test and live) as will your X-Violet-App-Id
, this is not true for your X-Violet-App-Secret
The X-Violet-App-Secret
you retrieve from the Channel dashboard is different depending on the live/test mode toggle. You must use the correct app secret that corresponds to the environment you are trying to login to: test
and live
In addition to the headers mentioned above, include your username
(your username is the email you signed up with) and password
. If successful, an access token will be returned in the response body for use in additional requests against the API along with information about your API.
While the User Management feature of the Dashboard allows multiple users to login and view the dashboard, only an App’s “Owner” username and password will allow you to generate a token. You can view who your App’s owner is on the team view
If you are using our Postman collection, you can add X-Violet-App-Id
and X-Violet-App-Secret
in the environment variables.
Refresh your Token
Use the Refresh Token to get a new token. This is an operation you will have to do on a regular basis. You can use your App Id and App Secret with a refresh token to get a new token. This saves the step of having to send your username and password each time to get a new token.
Please note that App Secrets are different depending on environment (test/live) please make sure you have retrieved the correct app secret from the Dashboard.
Login Response
The users first name
The users last name
The users raw desired password
The users unique email address
The allowed values for the user type
If a user has verified their emailed address
The status of the user. Note the lower case possible values as opposed to other status enums, this is a legacy issue that is maintained for backwards compatibility.
, active
, disabled
, for_deletion
Date of creation
Date of last update
Terms of Service Accepted
Is the Users Payment Settings Configured
Privacy Policy Accepted
Country Code
, AU
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, QA
, RE
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, VC
, WS
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, ZA
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, LK
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, SY
, TW
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, TV
, UG
, UA
, AE
, UM
, UY
, UZ
, VU
, VE
, VN
, VG
, VI
, WF
, EH
, YE
, ZM
, ZW
Refresh Token
Merchant ID. Should only be used during merchant validation. Expect property to be null.
Merchant IDs
Merchant IDs
Store Url
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