Relay Get Offers

Using Relay the product data in an external commerce platform is translated into a single common schema, the Violet Offer, in real time. You can fetch this data using the Relay Get Offers endpoint.

Get Offers

GET /v1/relay/merchants/{merchant_id}/offers

Optional Query Parameters

The following query parameters can be used with Get Offers requests.

size - use the size field in your Relay request to define the total number of results. When no value is provided, the results will be limited to 20. The upper bound of this field will conform to the limitations of the external commerce platform.

page - when interacting with external commerce platforms that use page-based pagination, used the page field in your Relay request to define what page of results you want to retrieve. When no value is provided, the first page of results based on the value of size will be returned.

next_page_cursor - when interacting with external commerce platforms that use cursor-based pagination, used the next_page_cursor field in your Relay request to define that page of results you want to retrieve. For these platforms, the response body from the request will also include a next_page_cursor field which will provide the cursor for the next page, if any.

include- a comma separated list of string values that indicate what additional data you would like to include in the response. For some platforms, including Shopify, this may slow down the response time and consume additional rate limits.

Supported values:


Sample Request for first page of 20 Shopify Offers with Categories included.

GET /v1/relay/merchants/{merchant_id}/offers?size=20&include=categories