Merchants may occassionally change some parts of the configuration in their external store. Changes to some parts of this configuration may impact your ability to utilize an Offer or other data.

When a merchant changes critical data of their store, its data may get out of sync with Violet. In order to process this in a secure manner, when Violet systems notice such changes it imediatelly update the merchant information and acts accourdingly with the property and changes detected.

The changes can trigger three sets of actions:

  • Temporarily offer disable and resync
    • Disables all merchant offers and start resyncing the entire catalog. During this process some offers may be not available to sell. Once the process is complete, all offers are again up-to-date and ready to be sold.
    • Example scenarios:
      • Store currency changed.
  • Merchant disable
    • Disables merchant and all offers. Offers become unavailable to sell. For scenarios like this an action from merchant is likely required to become enabled again.
    • Example scenarios:
      • Store platform plan moving from active to paused.
      • App uninstalled from platform.
      • Required platform app scopes removed.
  • Merchant enable
    • Enables merchant and start resyncing the entire catalog. Once the process is complete, all offers are again up-to-date and ready to be sold.
    • Example scenarios:
      • Store platform plan moving from paused to active.
      • App installed to platform.
      • All required platform app scopes added.

All actions defined in this page generate webhooks events, for topics and details please refer to Webhooks.

Critical Merchant Properties

Currently Violet monitors merchant data for changes on:

  • Currency: Temporarily offer disable and resync
  • Plan: Merchant disable / enable
  • App Scopes: Merchant disable / enable

Platforms Monitoring

Current support:

  • Shopify

Unmonitored Platforms

Platforms that are not yet monitored require Violet to manually update the merchant data and trigger the catalog resync.

If you noticed a merchant or offer with incorrect data compared to its platform, please reach out to us.