The Commission Rate is the percentage portion a channel receives from a merchant each time a product is sold. Violet does not maintain the commission-rate relationship between you and the merchant, however, when a commission rate has been negotiated and set in Violet, we ensure that your portion is transferred at point of sale.

Channels do not control the commission rate, however, it is up to you to work with the merchant to establish an agreed upon commission rate. Merchants can then define any value from 0% to 100% commission rate to be applied to its products during their onboarding process or from as seen in the guide below. This commission rate only applies to you. If the merchant works with other Violet Channels, they will have a commission rate set for each of the channels.

How to change commission rates


Merchants can change their commission rate in their dashboard:

  1. Navigate to,
  2. In the section that says “[Your Channel Name]”, hovering over the commission rate current set
  3. Clicking “Edit”
  4. Confirm that this is a change they are trying to make by following the prompt
  5. Enter the new commission rate
  6. Submit


Channels can change their commission rates with their merchants via our API. This endpoint can be used to set the rate for the channel’s relationship with a particular merchant. Alternatively, you can visit the Merchant view in the Violet Dashboard and click into a specific merchant to change their commission rate.

After changing a commission rate, the channel dashboard will update to the reflect the new value only after selecting the appropriate merchant, selecting the Commission Rate tab and using the refresh button on that page.

Channels are limited to setting rates to a maximum of 50%, any higher will return an Error stating that “Parameter commission_rate greater than 50 is invalid.”

Locking a commission rate

Channels can also lock a commission rate for a merchant via our API or through the Merchant view in the Violet Dashboard. This will prevent a merchant from making any changes to the rate in their UI.

You can both change a commission rate and lock it at the same time with one call by passing both properties, as documented in the API Reference.

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