Distributions in Violet are the lowest level payout details about an Order. For each Order that comes in, including multi-merchant Orders, we generate a record that shows you the per-entity breakdown of funds that will be transferred. These include the commission amounts from the Order specific to each merchant involved, any payment gateway fees, and payout information to tie it bank to your bank statements.

You can access distributions in the Channel or Merchant Dashboard by navigating here.

As seen above, you can view the date a Distribution is created, the account associated to it (Channel or Merchant), the associated Violet Order Id, the associated Violet Bag Id, Merchant Name, Type of Distribution (Payment or Refund), and the amount you received. You can access more information by exporting Distributions across a certain time range.

You can learn about how to Export Distributions here.

You can learn about the full set of data available to you around Distributions here.

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