Get Order Refunds
Retrieve any refunds associated to an Order
given its order_id
Path Parameters
ID of the Order being refunded
ID of the Bag being refunded
ID of the merchant making the refund
ID of the App that created the Order
ID of the Transaction being refunded
ID of the Transaction in the Payment Gateway
Amount being refunded. In Cents
Amount being taken back from the associated transfer to the merchant. In Cents
Amount being taken back from the associated transfer to the developer. In Cents
Reason for refund
Currency set for this refund by the external ecom platform
Status of the Refund
SKUs the refund applies to
Date of creation
Date of last update
ID of the refund on the external commerce platform. This value will only be populated if the external commerce platform supports refund ID's.
List of errors associated to this refund during processing. This value will only be populated if there are errors during processing
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