Violet provides you with the ability to fully bypass any payments requirements during checkout. This includes capturing funds from shoppers, processing any merchant transfers, generating any distribution records, processing refunds, or tracking any payments related data; allowing you to leverage Violet’s Checkout capabilities while bypassing all order payment requirements. Violet refers to this as an EXTERNAL capture and EXTERNAL transfer scenario.

In this scenario, Channels assume all responsibility for facilitating payments between shoppers and merchants.

Enabling Payment Bypassing

In order to enable your app for complete bypassing of any payments requirements through Violet, you will need to reach out to Violet Support or file a support ticket through the Channel Dashboard. Violet allows this setting to be enabled at both the APP level, so that it applies to all merchants, or at the MERCHANT level, so that it applies to specific merchants during checkout.

Violet also requires that you subscribe to the ORDER_CANCELED, ORDER_REFUNDED, and ORDER_RETURNED webhooks, or the catchall ORDER_UPDATED webhook. This is to ensure that you can facilitate a refund back to the shopper when necessary.

Implementation Changes

Depending on your integration with Violet and the type of Checkout you use, learn about the changes you need to make to enable this in your flow: